Monday, 9 January 2017


Because i knew nothing much about relationships and all what they bring about, i chose to work on myself to be very sure if i can manage a relationship or not.
I did not know the purposes of being in a relationship nor of being in love.......oh that was terrible but i thank God i was not in hurry and i created time for myself to learn about life.

Most relationships are tricky especially since our motivations, our goals and our expectations should match the ones of our partners.

If this doesn't happen then things might get tough and we'll need to find ways to make our relationship work so you can be happy together.

But before starting a relationship you should try to accomplish certain things in your life and so you'll be able to be a good partner. (In fact we are to prepare ourselves to be good partners)

What to do before getting into a relationship: (personal experiences)

1. Become who you want to be.
2. Do things that make you happy.
3. Understand yourself, sexually and emotionally.
4. Avoid ''Sextimacy'' until it's the right time.
5. Put yourself in new situations.
6. Get yourself organised.

People who are genuinely happy with their romantic choices spend more energy working on their own self-development than on appearing a certain way to attract love.

''Don't attract love, let love attract you''
''Perfect your inner you, your physical appearance cannot keep a happy and healthy relationship''

Much Love.............


Thank you for reading!
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