Tuesday, 21 March 2017


Hello Beautiful people.

Its another day......with another beautiful blog post.
We are still on the Relationship inspirationals talks and teaching.
It's always wonderful and exciting sharing my ideas with you and i'm basically learning too.

Yay,,,let's jump straight into this topic.
Finding out if your spouse is falling out of love with you!!!

When love and a deep connection are not shared, the feelings of emptiness, anger and frustration take over and your ability to function in other roles suffer.

You may ask yourself some of this questions:

1. Why did she fall out?
2. Who changed? You or her?
3. Was there a specific event that brought about her withdrawal of affection?
4. Could you sense something was not right over some months or even years?
5. Can you actually make your spouse love you again?

Women think emotionally and usually act on those emotions.

Their feelings rule. And it's not uncommon for a woman to bundle feelings in together and display the resulted conclusion in a manner that seems totally illogical, inconsistent and out of context.

For male, although they have and display feelings, they act and re-act pragmatically. They  are able to recognize and isolate a situation and then we decide quickly

For us males, although we have and display feelings, we act and re-act pragmatically.
We are able to recognize and isolate a situation, and then we decide quickly– do I fix it, do I ignore it, or do I run from it?
Problem solved?! Maybe not always but we can move onto the next thing and re-focus.

Recognizing something that is not right
Even though we are the more pragmatic of the species, we can still sense or feel when something is not right.

Women have a habit of not always expressing how they feel to their partners, rather choosing to withdraw physically and emotionally from you and expecting you to play ‘join the dots’, which can suck you into ongoing attempts to expose the problem, “Is there anything wrong?”

When you sense that all or something is not well with your wife, and you ask the question, “Is there anything wrong?” and her response is a short, sharp, “I’m fine.” She is not!


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